Tuesday 24 September 2013

Prominent Lawyer Commits Suicide In Office


A 44-year-old lawyer, Kofi Yawson-Adjei, who is the Secretary of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (GIS) and valuers, yesterday committed suicide by hanging himself in his private office on the first floor of a rented premises at Adabraka.

Kofi, who has three children was said to have left his Kokomlemle residence about 3 a.m. for his office (in a taxi). His wife had called to inform his elder sister that her brother had left home at dawn and was nowhere to be found. It was when the sister dashed to the office around 6 a.m. that she discovered his body hanging.

He left a written note directing a lady named Narh to give a signed cheque for GH¢3,000 to his wife.

According to the Chairman of the Valuation Estate Surveying Division of the GIS, Mr Emmanuel Martey, he complained of being blank last Saturday and was taken to the hospital on Sunday where he was told by the nurse that his blood pressure was high. He was given prescription but still looked weak so they arranged for him to be taken home.

“I called his home this morning (yesterday) to find out his status, but I was told that something had happened and that he left home around 3 a.m. Apparently, they did not know where he was until they discovered him in his own office,” he said.

A neighbour who pleaded anonymity said he had seen the deceased arrive at the office building situated behind the CUA Building about 4 a.m. in a taxi. “He was in the car for about 10 minutes and then later got out and went to his office. He was in T-shirt and boxer’s shorts,” the neighbour said.

The elder sister of the deceased refused to allow members of the press to enter the office where he was found hanging. A picture captured on a mobile phone, however, showed the deceased wearing a white T-shirt and a red boxer’s shorts and hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck.

The Accra Regional Police Command confirmed the incident.

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