Thursday 10 July 2014

Dear single LIB women, get in here! Husband in the

A LIB reader based in SA is looking for a wife and came to me to help him spread the word. Hehe. Find the message he sent below and that's a pic of him above.

My name is Brandon Obinna Scott, I am 35 years old. I hail from Imo State but residing in South Africa. I am the CEO of Headmasters Productions based in Cape town. I am very rich and have everything that money can buy, but unfortunately I don't have love. I have been badly dealt with by women who came in disguise just to extort money from me. I am ready for marriage but no right woman for me. Continue...
I want a God fearing woman between the ages of 24-31 who is ready for marriage. She must be educated and hardworking, she can be from any part of the country (I'm not tribalistic). She must be beautiful on the inside (Not interested in physical beauty), but she must be tall. I don't like short girls.
If I find the right person and we get to know each other to a reasonable extent, I will commence the marriage rites immediately. One guarantee is that the person will sure have all that she desires and as long as she makes me happy, I will make sure that she lacks nothing. I can be reached on +27748152760.N.B: I don't know him personally please ladies, be careful! And if anything comes out of this, biko send pics to LIB.

And before you people start saying I should apply since I'm single I were interested I wouldn't post it here, would I?

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