Saturday 26 July 2014

Everyone is crazy in Lagos' - Etcetera writes

Another article from singer turned writer, Etcetera. See below...

Few weeks ago, I got a call from a friend asking me out for a drink, but I was already at the Lagos airport. “I’m not going to be around for the next few days,” I told him. “I’m going to Abuja.” His immediate reaction was – “Why? What’s wrong? Do you want to bore yourself to death?” That’s the typical response I get whenever I tell someone I am travelling to Abuja. Abuja is a beautiful city with a terrible reputation for boredom. I have heard people in other cities speak of Lagos as a noisy, dirty and dangerous city filled with crazy people. In truth, everyone in Lagos is crazy. What else do you expect in a state crammed with 22 million people?

It must be a hell of a job for the governor and his officials keeping everyone under law and order daily. Lagos has a peculiar vibe that can’t be found anywhere in the world, so much that “Lagos Hustle” is a commonly used phrase among Nigerians. I would rather go crazy living in Lagos than be bored to death in Abuja, Ibadan or Enugu. Abuja leaves you chewing your finger nails out of boredom. If you doubt me, whenever you have a visitor from Abuja, check his/her finger nails. They are always short and well chewed. Even the Hausa local nail trimmers have all migrated elsewhere due to the nail scarcity. It is said that people in Lagos argue for at least two hours daily. It is true; we love to generate arguments out of everything.

We argue everywhere, in buses and even during church services. Now Telemundo has become a cause for more argument among the girls here. So why are they surprised that we are crazy in this city? How many people can stay sane for long with the screams of Telemundo girls and the wailing sirens of police and government officials constantly beating their eardrums? Even the supposedly rugged Lagos rats can’t bear it too, that’s why they are always scampering from one gutter to another. If only we can understand what those rats would be saying to themselves about the cars with wailing sirens and flashing blue lights which have now become the city’s official ride for big boys. Don’t they know that it is by far the easiest way to advertise their arrivals to all the criminals in the city? Let’s add all the roaring vehicle engines, blaring horns, the arguments of the association of free newspaper readers at every bus stop, the street preachers with megaphones every morning, the open trucks filled with dancing skimpy dressed models selling almost expired products, or the rickety tortoise cars with dead PA system selling gbogbonise and the CD/DVD sellers blasting latest naija vibes.

Anybody expecting to find a sane person in Lagos must be crazy indeed. It is like looking for a virgin in Nollywood. It is a city with an official soundtrack emanating from millions of generators rumbling constantly all through the day and night. But as crazy as it is in Lagos, I love it. I love the fact that it is like the city is divided in two halves, for non smokers and smokers. Or how can anyone explain to me why Apapa is always covered in thick smoke? Call it trailer exhaust fumes or smoke from burning tyres, what I know is that whenever I am passing through Apapa, it is as If I have suddenly walked into the smokers section of a night club.

I love the fact that this city doesn’t discriminate. And that all the money of the rich offers no protection from the most trying aspect of life here. Aggression is imperative and timidity on the road is seized upon by everyone even pedestrians.

When driving, you are caught up, over-taken and honked at all at once. All drivers seem to be afflicted with honk sickness. You get in a taxi late at night when there isn’t a single other car on the road, and the driver is still blasting his horn at five seconds intervals for the entire journey. It is even worse when the traffic is gridlocked. Ask the millions who experience this bottleneck from the mainland to the commercial districts on the Island daily.

A guy dropped his friend at Lagos airport to catch a flight to South Africa. When he received his text message saying he had landed safely at Joburg airport, he was still in traffic on the way back to Victoria Island.

We don’t have much of a tourist industry in Lagos at the moment but thank God for Makoko, an extraordinary floating slum, where everyone travels round in boats. It is our own version of Venice. Thanks to the governor, the dividends of democracy can now be felt in some places in the city. Let’s take the Ojota dump site for example, it has become symbolic of everything that past governments have tried to achieve. What used to look at first sight a rough, lawless, dangerous place has become a well-organised place where good money is earned by local street boys who now prefer a life of grime to a life of crime. Some of them are university graduates.

Lagos is a shining example of democracy. Even the area boys and those scavengers on the streets for things to re-sell have their own democratically elected chairmen, who sort out any arguments or disagreements.

Don’t you love the look of today’s Oshodi, especially when you are standing on the bridge feeding your eyes with the wonderful mosaic of human beings like a colourful artwork? The traders are constantly feeding energy into the atmosphere with their hilarious but innovative marketing methods, giving visitors from various parts of the world a first hand view of how lucrative and conducive this city is for their businesses. But it is imperative to have lots of patience and a good sense of humour to survive here.

Planning is crucial if you want to get things done. You must make contingencies because most of the time things don’t go according to plan, whether you are caught in argument or in traffic. For tourists, it is important to note that there are no up-to-date visitors’ guide on sale anywhere. And the few guidebooks available do not pretend to over-sell the city’s destinations. But one thing you won’t need guidebook to notice are the mechanic workshops littered all over the city. The good thing about this is that whenever you go hungry, just walk into the nearest one and you are sure to find a mama-put (restaurant).

Lagos is noisy, polluted, corrupt, lawless and ungovernable, but beneath these stereotypes are some of the most hardworking, passionate and big thinkers on earth. Thousands of people make their living by selling all kinds of stuff in traffic jams: household provisions, mobile phones, electrical appliances, wrist watches, books, clothes, popcorn, machetes, soup ingredients, wheel chairs, rat poison, CDs, DVDs, pets, you can even buy a brand new car in traffic. It is quite innovative and convenient because most Lagos residents prefer to do their shopping on the go.

I love Lagos because this is the only city in the world where you can leave home for work stark naked and be sure to buy everything you want to wear in traffic. They’ve got ironing boards too in case you want your clothes starched and properly ironed. Eko o ni baje oo.

Didier Drogba returns to Chelsea

Drogba just announced on his instagram page that he's back at Stamford Bridge. Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho revealed recently that he wanted Drogba back, and he's made it happen

"We want to win matches and win titles and Didier is one of the best strikers in Europe. He is still very adapted to the needs of the Premier League and we are thinking about it in a non-emotional way. If I bring him back, and the decision has to be made soon, it is because as a player he has qualities to make the team stronger. The team is not about the eleven. It is about the different options and as an option I would not say no about the possibility.’Mourinho said. Congrats to Drogba.

Since the elevator beat down, Beyonce and Jay Z's marriage have been under scrutiny, with so many reports of infidelity, unhappiness and a pending divorce for music's most powerful couple. But despite all the rumours, the couple have put up a united front on their 'On the Run' tour with a lot holding, kissing and singing to each other as if they're the only people in the world.

They seem more in love now than ever and fans have been quick to notice that and have shared some incredible GIFs summing up the pair's love. See them after the cut....

3 sons of Zakzaky were killed during Friday's clash between Shiites & soldiers

Yesterday I reported that one son of Sheikh Ibraheem El Zakzaky, who led the Shiite protest in Zaria after Friday prayers, was killed after the Islamic group clashed with Nigerian soldiers. (read here). It turns out two more sons of the leader of the Shiite group were killed. Hameed, Mamhud and Ahmed Zakzaky (pictured above) were allegedly killed by Nigerian soldiers in Zaria.

The Shiite Muslims released a statement alleging that 10 of their members were killed yesterday during their march in Zaria, Kaduna in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. They said among those killed were Sheikh Zaksaky's three sons, a nursing mother and child and two other women.

They claim that security agents arrested three sons of Sheikh Zakzaky, and later shot two of the three men in detention. Find the press statement after the cut...

Friday 25-07-14 is a sad day, akin to a black Friday, in which some security agents of the federal republic of Nigeria, soldiers by the khaki they wore, gunned down, as at the time of writing this press release, 10 Innocent fasting Muslim brothers, who were peacefully voicing their discontent with the unfortunate massacre of Palestinians by Israel.
Zaria residents are a witness to the peaceful nature of the procession which took off from Sabon Gari Jumaat mosque up to its termination point at Kofar Doka, Zaria City. Nobody was molested let alone his property. In fact the leader of the procession was delivering his speech, when some soldiers attacked the participants of the procession who were at PZ Junction in Zaria.
In the ensuing melee, 10 people were killed by the soldiers, 40 were shot and now receiving treatment. And among the killed is a Muslim Sister together with her child on her back and the son of Sheikh Zakzaky, Mahmud Ibraheem Zakzaky. Also among those shot by the soldiers are two Muslim sisters.
Not only that, the soldiers went away with 3 children of Sheikh Zakzaky, namely Ahmad, Hameed and Ali. As of now their whereabouts is still unknown.
We vehemently condemn this vicious atrocity committed by the soldiers on us. Why should we be attacked? Who did we provoke during the peaceful procession? Who authorized this attack? Who participated in the attack among the soldiers? These are some of the questions the security operatives in the state need to answer us and the public.
Also we demand the unconditional release of Sheikh Zakzaky's children in soldiers’ custody and other Muslim brothers they might be holding. And should anything happen to them, we will hold the authorities responsible!
This is not the first peaceful procession carried out by Muslim brothers in Zaria. In fact due to its peaceful nature residents in Zaria don't consider it as an unusual event that calls for caution.
Another proof of the peaceful nature of the procession is the fact that it was staged today in Kaduna, Kano, Sokoto, Katsina, Potiskum, Jos, Bauchi, Gombe, and many other towns in Northern Nigeria and all ended peacefully. So why should the one in Zaria be an exception? The authorities should explain.
The casualty figures might increase, God willing we will keep the public informed of the Transgressor in Nigeria.


Ali Zakzaky sustained bullet wounds, now receiving treatment in the hospital

Sheikh's son, 5 others killed as police and protesters clash in Zaria

About 5 people, including the son of popular Zaria based Sheikh, Ibraheem El Zakzaky, were killed today after a clash between Nigerian soldiers and Shiite Muslims in Zaria, Kaduna State.

The Shi'a Muslim group had gathered in the PZ area of the town for their annual Ramadan ritual called Muzahara, where thousands of Muslim faithful march around the city dressed in black to protest a cause. They dedicated their march today to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

A source said the group were confronted by soldiers as they gathered after Friday prayers, chanting Islamic songs, carrying placards and condemning Israel's invasion of Gaza. The soldiers' mission was to disperse the crowd but one thing led to another and violence erupted. Shots were fired and at least 6 people were killed, including the son of the leader of the Islamic group (the son pictured above).

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Photos: President Jonathan meets Chibok parents/girls

President Jonathan today July 22nd met with parents of abducted Chibok girls and rescued girls at the State House in Abuja. Present at the closed door meeting was the Senate President David Mark, Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the Principal of the school, Mrs Asaba Kwambura as well as some Heads of Nigeria's Security Agencies.

The media was sent out of the room once the meeting kicked off. See more photos after the cut...

Davido on why he flaunts his wealth on social media

Speaking with Encomium magazine on why he flaunts his wealth on social media, Davido said;

"I don't call it flaunting of wealth. It is my car, my money and it is even my page. You don't have to follow me on instagram. You don't have to follow me on social media. It would have being different if I was advertising all this on a billboard. I am not doing that" he said. Gbam! I agree!! :-)

GEJ replies Gen Buhari over his statement on the current state of the nation

President Jonathan has reacted to a statement released yesterday July 21st by former Head of State & Chieftain of the APC, General Buhari in which Buhari cautioned him over the use of federal agents to fight the opposition party, noting that no democracy can succeed without an opposition.

In a statement which was signed by Presidential spokesman Reuben Abati, president Jonathan asked Buhari not to blame him for the woes his party, the APC, is going through. Find President Jonathan's statement below and what General Buhari said in his statement to President Jonathan after the cut...

President Jonathan's statement below...

We have noted with much surprise and regret, the statement issued by General Muhammadu Buhari today in which he made some wild and totally unsustainable allegations against President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.Although he tries very hard to deny it in the statement titled “Pull Nigeria Back From the Brink”, there can be no doubt that General Buhari has sadly moved away from the patriotic and statesmanlike position he recently adopted on national security, which President Jonathan publicly commended, and has now reverted to unbridled political partisanship.

There can be no other explanation or justification for the completely unwarranted and very uncharitable assault on the conduct and integrity of President Jonathan which the statement he issued today represents. 

General Buhari’s main grouse which clearly motivated his ill-considered statement appears to be what he called “the gale of impeachments or the utilisation of desperate tactics to suffocate the opposition and turn Nigeria into a one-party state”. 
It is most unfortunate that instead of working to put their house in order and resolve the leadership crises and internal contradictions that have plunged their party into a downward spiral, General Buhari and his opposition allies have resorted to blaming a blameless President for their woes. 
The processes for impeaching an elected Governor are clearly stipulated in the National Constitution which Nigeria has operated since 1999. The President of Nigeria is not assigned any role in that process and President Jonathan has certainly not played any role in the recent impeachment of Governor Murtala Nyako of Adamawa or in the impeachment drama currently being played out in Nasarawa State. 
For the record, President remains fully committed to upholding the letters, principles and spirit of the Nigerian Constitution as he has sworn, and defending the rule of law and integrity of the democratic process with all his might. 

General Buhari talks about anarchy. He needs to be reminded that President Jonathan from his humble beginnings as a Deputy Governor in Bayelsa state to date, has never in his acts, or utterances, recommended or promoted violence as a tool of political negotiation. 

Contrary to whatever General Buhari and his new friends may imagine, President Jonathan fully respects the rights, powers, authority and independence of elected representatives of the people, including the members of the state assemblies who have concluded or initiated impeachment proceedings against their state governors on grounds which they consider justifiable. 
The constitution does not give the President any power to intervene in such proceedings and President Jonathan has never arrogated such powers to himself or sought to exert any nefarious and unconstitutional influence on state assemblies in Adamawa, Nasarawa or anywhere else in other to secure undue political advantage for his party as General Buhari unjustifiably alleges. 

President Jonathan remains true to his declaration that no political ambition of his is worth the life of a single Nigerian. The President has definitely not declared war on his own country or deployed federal institutions in the service of partisan interests as General Buhari falsely claims. Neither has he been using the common wealth to subvert the system and punish the opposition, as the former Head of State inexcusably asserts. 

Also, President Jonathan has never at any time ordered that any Nigerian should be kidnapped or that anyone should be crated and forcefully transported in violation of decent norms of governance. 

We therefore urge General Buhari to tarry a while, ponder over his own antecedents and do a reality check as to whether he has the moral right to be so carelessly sanctimonious. 

It may well be time to pull the brakes, as General Buhari says in his statement, but it is he and others who have resorted to idle scapegoating and blaming President Jonathan for their self-inflected political troubles who need to stop their inexcusable partisanship and show greater regard for the truth, democracy, constitutionalism, the rule of law, peace, security and the well-being of the nation. 
Reuben Abati 
Special Adviser to the President 

Gen Muhammad Buhari's statement in part;

Whether or not President Goodluck Jonathan is behind the gale of impeachment or the utilization of desperate tactics to suffocate the opposition and turn Nigeria into a one-party state, what cannot be denied is that they are happening under his watch, and he cannot pretend not to know, since that will be akin to hiding behind one finger.
“In my capacity as an elder statesman, rather than a politician, I have spoken to President Jonathan in private over these issues, but indications are that the strategy has not yielded positive fruits. I cannot, just because I am an opposition politician, fail to do what is expected of me as an elder statesman to help rescue our nation in times of great trouble and palpable uncertainty.
“History will not be kind to me if I sit back while things turn bad, just so that no one will accuse me of partisanship. Yes, I am a politician. Yes, I am in the opposition. Yes, there is the tendency for my statement to be misconstrued as that of a politician rather than a statesman. But I owe it as a matter of duty and honour, and in the interest of our nation, to speak out on the dangerous trajectory that our nation is heading.
“I can say, in all sincerity, that I have seen it all, as an ordinary citizen, a military officer, a head of state, a man who has occupied many other sensitive posts and a politician. I have been a close participant and witness to Nigeria’s political history since independence in 1960.
“Our country has gone through several rough patches, but never before have I seen a Nigerian President declare war on his own country as we are seeing now. Never before have I seen a Nigerian President deploy federal institutions in the service of partisanship as we are witnessing now. Never before have I seen a Nigerian President utilize the commonwealth to subvert the system and punish the opposition, all in the name of politics. Our nation has suffered serious consequences in the past for egregious acts that are not even close to what we are seeing now. It is time to pull the brakes,”
“The dangerous clouds are beginning to gather and the vultures are circling, and these have manifested in Nasarawa where the ordinary people have defied guns and tanks to protest the plan to impeach Governor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura in a repeat of the bitter medicine forced down the throat of Governor Murtala Nyako.
“The people’s protest in Nassarawa is a sign of what will come if the federal authorities continue to target opposition state governors for impeachment. In the long run, the impeachment weapon will be blunted. Positions will become more hardened on both sides and Nigeria and Nigerians will become the victims of arrested governance and possible anarchy.”
“I, along with many other patriotic Nigerians, fought for the unity and survival of this country. Hundreds of patriotic souls perished in the battle to keep Nigeria one. The blood of many of our compatriots helped to water the birth of the democracy we are all enjoying today.
“Let no one, whether the leader or the led, the high or the low, a member of the ruling or the opposition do anything to torpedo the system. Let no one, whether on the altar of personal ambition or pretension to higher patriotic tendencies, do anything that can detonate the keg of gunpowder on which the nation is sitting. It is time for all concerned to spare a thought for the ordinary citizens who have yet to see their hopes, dreams and aspirations come to reality, within the general context of nationhood,’’ the statement read

US teenage missionary admits to raping young children at Kenyan orphanage

According to a report on KTLA a US teenager faces a possible life in prison sentence after authorities say they learned about shocking crimes he allegedly committed on an African mission trip.

The suspect was volunteering at a Kenyan children’s home when he allegedly raped and molested a number of young children between the ages of four and nine.
According to court records, 19-year-old Matthew Durham (pictured above) confessed to raping several young girls, forcing some boys to perform oral sex on him and even making other kids watch. Continue...

"This is a young man in our community that made choices to exploit children in an orphanage,” said United States Attorney Sanford Coats. “It’s a true tragedy all the way around.”
The 19-year-old suspect traveled overseas with a group called Upendo. Upendo is an organization that assists neglected Kenyan kids by providing food, housing, clothes and religion.
While Durham volunteered to travel overseas several times over the last two years, on his last visit, the criminal complaint alleges, “Durham requested to stay at the children’s home in an ‘overflow bunk’ rather than at an offsite facility.”
During that visit, several alleged victims claimed Durham “often touched them in a sexual manner or told them to touch themselves while he watched.”
Once confronted, Durham allegedly came clean.
“A caretaker at the orphanage noticed something wasn’t right and confronted Mr. Durham. He admitted to some of the acts,” said Coats.
The affidavit continues, “The victims are believed to be both boys and girls between the ages of four and nine, at least one of whom is HIV positive.”
Prosecutors say while the alleged sex crimes were committed overseas, Durham can be held accountable for the crimes in Oklahoma.
Durham is being held without bond.

Loads of Nollywood stars turn out for Omo

Major Nollywood stars stormed different market places within Lagos as their endorsement for the NewOMO Fast Action detergent. They were dressed in the traditional colours of the brand which is a statement for the quality and character of OMO detergent to have been around for years.

It was a trade Launch where the brand unveiled its New OMO to retailers in the markets in Lagos, andOMO received praises from the customers for consistently adding value to the brand and refreshing washing experience. Continue...

One of the Nollywood celebrities, Muyiwa Ademola, said “No other detergent removes stains faster than New OMO Fast Action detergent.”
Speaking during an interactive session with one of the consumers in the market, Mrs Abiodun Akingbade said, “I've been using OMO detergent for so long, and it has never disappointed me. Now with the launch of this New OMO Fast Action that is promising improved wash experience, I will definitely use it more and more.
Members of Association of Nigerian Theatre Practitioners (ANTP), who supported the launching at major markets in Lagos were Ronke Oshodi-Oke, Odunlade Adekola, Femi Adebayo, Afonja Olaniyi (Sanyeri), Mercy Aigbe, Muyiwa Ademola, Fausat Balogun amongst others.
Omo’s heritage is amazing and has been touching consumers’ lives for 52 years and its wonderful how the brand keeps innovating and improving. It still remains the love brand in the heart of consumers now and for generations to come.

Photos from King Sunny Ade's daughter's traditional wedding

Juju legend King Sunny Ade over the weekend gave one of his daughters out in marriage in a very private ceremony that held in his home in Ondo state. See pics from the wedding after the cut...