Friday 11 October 2013

Military, SSS Capture Top Boko Haram ‘Commanders’ In Kaduna

By SaharaReporters, New York

An impeccable military source has confirmed to SaharaReporters that a combined team of Nigerian soldiers, police, and operatives of the State Security Service (SSS) has rounded up top Boko Haram ‘commanders’ after combing several locations in Kaduna State this week.

The source said the captured Boko Haram “commanders” were the brains behind a series of violent attacks carried out in the state in recent weeks. He added that they were caught as they planned to launch new attacks in the town of Kaduna during the Sallah festivities.

The military source stated that security operatives recovered extensive incriminating evidence from the captured leaders of the extremist Islamist leaders. “We got evidence from them to suggest their direct affiliation with Boko Haram and also that they were part and parcel of the recent attacks,” he said.

The source also disclosed that his combined team also captured several foot soldiers of the Boko Haram sect, adding that they were under interrogation.

The joint military-SSS raid that netted the Boko Haram members was carried out in the Rigasa District in Kaduna State.

“The operations brought us face to face to the reality that we must intensify our operations. We are using patrols and other strategies we will not talk about now to contain any plans by them [Boko Haram] during Sallah festivities,” the military officer said.

Last Sunday, suspected Boko Haram sect members ambushed a policeman. They shot him dead, and then escaped with his rifle.

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