Thursday 26 September 2013

£3,000 visa bond plan being reviewed – UK

The British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Dr. Andrew Pocock

The British High Commissioner to Nigeria, Dr. Andrew Pocock, has said the British government is reviewing its plan to introduce a £3,000 visa bond scheme.

He also said while there were security concerns in Nigeria, they were not overwhelming in many respects and could be managed.

Pocock said this on Wednesday when he visited the Nigerian Stock Exchange to ring the closing bell, and to discuss ways in which more British companies could be encouraged to invest in the nation’s capital market.

Reports had emerged earlier this year that the British government was planning to implement a new scheme under which some visitors from some Commonwealth countries, including Nigeria, would be asked to pay a £3,000 cash bond in return for visitor visas that allowed them to stay in the UK for up to six months.

“In the long run, we are interested in a system of bonds that deters overstaying and recovers costs if a foreign national has used our public services,” an unnamed Home Office official had been quoted as saying in June.

The development had resulted in an outcry by nationals of the affected countries with the Nigerian government calling on its British counterpart to renounce the policy.

However, the British High Commissioner, after ringing the closing bell at NSE in Lagos told journalists that, “We have made it very clear to our government in London that there is concern about this. So, this is being reviewed and considered in London as we speak now.”

Pocock, who said visas were issued to 125,000 Nigerians every year, added, “If we decide that this will become a policy we will tell, firstly then Nigerian government and secondly, the Nigerian people so everyone has all the information they need. This is not a major threat to Nigerians coming to the UK; that I can guarantee.”

According to Pocock, the scheme will not be a threat to Nigerians because even if it is implemented it will affect only a fraction of Nigerians who apply for UK visas.

He also clarified that, “The visa bond, as it is being called here, is not a £3,000 charge for a British Visa. That is not the case, it is not going to happen now and it is not going to happen in the future. Visa fee, which is what you pay for a visa, will not go to £3,000 or anywhere near it.”



The only son of Tastee Fried Chicken boss, Mrs Olayinka Adebayo, Olubunmi Adebayo has been reported dead.

Olubunmi who before his death was the executive director of TFC gave up the ghost as a result of a brief illness in the U.S where he was flown for treatments.

He is survived by his parents, wife and two Kid. Here is wishing him a wonderful rest in the bossom of the lord.

Karen Igho, The Séxiest ''Village'' Girl Ever (LOOK)

She looks so natural and comfortable. Nice legs!!!

She must be a very hardworking village girl

PHOTOS: Tonto Dikeh’s outfit to the premiere of Rukky Sanda’s movie

Tonto Dikeh wore this Aqua by Aqua shirt dress, with cut-out detail on the back, showing off her tattoo, to the premiere of Rukky Sanda’s movie ‘Keeping My Man’ tonight. Styled by Jeremiah Ogbodo of Swanky’s Signature.

You like?…see another pic below:

What do you think of Tonto Dikeh’s outfit.

READ Tiwa Savage’s Romantic Birthday Message To Her Fiance, Teebillz

Talented singer, Tiwa Savage as a way of wishing her fiancee/manager, Teebillz a happy birthday posted a romantic message on her instagram page.

Tiwa posted the above photo with ‘I am not asking for too much just a ‘Couple of Forevers’ with my soulmate, my best friend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Balogs’. Now if you don’t have a boyfriend or fiance, go and hide your face lol #jokes.

Meanwhile, Tiwa and her boo will be getting married traditionally on the 23rd of November in Lagos while their white wedding will hold next year February 2014, Maldive Islands, an island nation in the Indian Ocean.

Fashola Apologises To Igbos Over Deportation Saga

Governor Babatunde Fashola
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola (SAN) on Thursday offered an unreserved apology for the misunderstanding generated by the alleged deportation of some destitutes to Onitsha, Anambra State.

The state government was accused of dumping 70 beggars at Onitsha Bridge on July 24, a situation that generated public outcry and bad blood.

The government had said it relocated the 14 people to Onitsha after rehabilitating them, but the explanations did not appease the aggrieved Igbos, who felt they were being badly treated and hated

Fashola, who spoke at the silver jubilee of the Igbo socio-cultural think tank, Aka Ikenga held at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, Victoria Island, insisted he has no problems with the Igbos.

He noted that the largest herds of cattle he received when his father died was from the Igbos.

At the event were the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Anyim Pius Ayim, who represented President Goodluck Jonathan; House of Representatives Deputy Speaker, Chief Emeka Ihedioha; Catholic Bishop, Mathew Kuka; former Minister, Gen. Ike Nwachukwu; President Aka Ikenga, Goddy Uwazurike; former ambassador George Obiozor and President of Ohaneze Ndigbo, Gary Enwo-Igariwey.

Others included the former President Aka Ikenga, Chief Chris Asodoka; Director, Lagos Business School, Prof. Pat Utomi; Captain Emma Iheanacho; Nollywood artistes, Onyeka Onwenu and Kanayo O. Kanayo.

Fashola said: “I came here to say to say thank you for the honour done to my family and the memory of my late father.

“People who clearly do not understand the actions taken and words spoken are those I owe an explanation. I cannot take the Igbos for granted because we have built a relationship based on tolerance, mutual respect, love and trust. That relationship was built by our ancestors and I put a lot of value in that relationship.

“I offer an unreserved apology if the actions taken had been misunderstood.

“But I think the basic issue Aka Ikenga must address is why people feel compelled to immigrate from one part of the country to the other? Is it the case that some lack the resources to develop or perhaps some parts are endowed with enormous resources but not adequately managed?

“How can development be so difficult from the zone that has produced people like Nnamdi Azikiwe, Alex Ekwueme, Ike Nwachukwu, among others?

“As political storm gathers, there are contact spots but like in football, contact spots have rules. Those who are victims of our shortcomings as professionals in and out of government should not be pounced.

“A day like these calls for deep reflection about issues of our loyalties. Are we more Igbo than Nigeria or we are more Nigeria than Igbo?”

Fashola called on residents in the state to embrace Residence Registration Scheme (RRS) to enable the government meets its obligation to them.

10 Reasons To Have Séx

It probably won't take much convincing to follow this general rule, but you should know it, anyway—the more séx you have, the healthier you'll be.

Not only can it help your general mood (thereby reducing stress), but studies show there are tangible ways séx slows down the aging process, fights disease and even heals wounds.

Here, a full breakdown of the ways getting it on can save you a trip to the ER.

1. Séx promotes heart health.
A study in the American Journal of Cardiology suggests that men who have séx twice a week have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) than men who have less frequent séx.

Research found that a low frequency of séxual activity predicted new cardiovascular events.The psychical capacity to have séx might be a marker for overall health, or the physical exercise from séx might directly protect against CVD. Or it might be that men who have regular séx enjoy improved health through stress reduction from a supportive relationship. Whatever the reason, it appears that séx is good for your ticker.

2. Doing it burns calories.
Due to its brévity, having an orgásm fries only two or three calories. But the prelude can burn quite a bit more, depending on your weight and the length and vigor of the lovemaking session. For example, a raucous romp uses about 5 METs (metabolic equivalents), a system for gauging the intensity of physical activity. (Sitting quietly, for comparison, is equal to 1 MET.) So, a 190-pound man would burn 413 calories in an hour of vigorous séxual activity. But since the average lovemaking session is about 20 minutes, you're talking about only around 150 calories. Still, that's more than double the caloric expenditure of sitting alone on the couch.

3. Séx is a natural sleeping pill.
As women know all too well, orgásm is a rather effective sleep aid for most men.

4. Séx stifles stress.
Séx, like exercise, releases anxiety, lowers stress hormones, and can help people cope with mental pressure for at least a week. In the study, 46 men and women were put in a stressful situation involving speaking and working math problems in front of a tough audience. Participants were also asked to keep a diary of their séxual activity for two weeks prior to the test. Those who had séx were the least stressed out, and their blood pressures returned to normal faster after the public speaking test. "People who had pénile-váginal intercourse did twice as well as people who only masturbatéd or had no séx at all," says psychologist and lead researcher Stuart Brody.

5. A roll in the hay keeps the doctor away.
Research shows that people who have séx once or twice weekly have stronger immune systems than people who have séx less than once a week.

6. Good love is better than a bandage.
Researchers at Ohio State University Medical Center inflicted minor blister wounds on the arms of 45 married couples during 24-hour visits on two different occasions. On the first visit, the couples were prompted to engage in a positive, supportive discussion. Two months later they returned and new wounds were administered, the couples were prompted to argue. Results showed that wounds healed nearly two times faster after the positive interaction.

7. More séx may turn back the clock.
Can having séx keep wrinkles away? British neuropsychologist David Weeks, MD, of Royal Edinburgh Hospital believes so. In a 10-year-long study, he interviewed 3,500 adults in England and the United States, and found that people who reported having séx four times a week looked about 10 years younger than they actually were. Pleasure derived from having loving séx releases hormones, including human growth hormone, that are crucial in preserving youth, he says.

8. Frequent orgásms may protect against cancer.
Several studies have suggested that frequent éjaculation over many years may decrease risk of prostate cancer. In one US study, 29,000 men, ages 46 to 81, were asked their history of séxual intercourse and másturbation between the ages of 20 and 49. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute analyzed the data and determined that the group of men who reported 21 orgásms per month was much less likely to have prostate cancer than men who averaged seven or fewer éjaculations per month. The researchers speculated that several protective factors may contribute: éjaculation may clear the prostate of carcinogenic secretions and the stress-reduction benefit from orgásm may limit potential harmful substances that could trigger cancer.

9. Love longer, live longer.
An Irish study published in the British Medical Journal in 1997 tracked the mortality of 1,000 middle-aged men over the course of a decade and concluded that séxual activity may have a protective effect on health. By comparing men according to age and health, researchers found that men who had the highest frequency of orgásms had a death rate 50-percent lower than men who did not éjaculate frequently.

10. Men who have more séx are—surprise—happier!
An Australian survey of 5,000 people showed that married men are 135 percent more likely to report happiness than single men, while only 52 percent of married women are happier than unmarried women. Could it have something to do with the fact that séx is easier for cohabiting couples? According to a national séx survey conducted by the University of Chicago, séxual activity is 25 percent to 300 percent greater for married couples compared to non-married people, depending on age