Thursday 26 September 2013

New Nose Grown By Surgeons To Replace Original One

A new nose has been grown by surgeons on a patient’s forehead, so it can be transplanted to replace his original one.

Xiaolian, 22, didn’t look after his badly damaged nose following a traffic accident in August, 2012.

The infection corroded the cartilage of his nose, making it impossible for surgeons to fix it.

They then decided to grow him a new one at a hospital in Fuzhou in Fujian province, China.

It was grown by placing a skin tissue expander onto Xiaolian’s forehead, cutting it into the shape of a nose and planting cartilage taken from his ribs.

The surgeons said that the new nose is in good shape and the transplant surgery could be performed soon.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Music Video: Olamide’s Durosoke Parody Video By A White Guy (Must Watch)

Here’s an entertaining parody video for Oladmide’s Durosoke performed by Olubaddo.

If you are in the UK make sure you are at the Cokobar Music Festival on October 6 at the Indig02 so you can see Flavour, Olamide and Sean Tizzle perform all their massive hits.

Watch the video below:

Na God! Woman Survives Her Car Being Crushed By A Container (See Photos)

This happened to a Chinese who woman made a miraculous escape after her car was crushed by a giant container as she was driving alongside a lorry carrying the huge, orange box, which suddenly listed to one side.

The container fell off the side of the lorry, flattening the top half of the car which came to a halt on the road in China.

Firefighters were called to the scene just 1pm on Saturday, but had to wait almost twenty minutes for a crane powerful enough to life the container off of the car.

Rescuers and members of the crowd which had gathered were then astounded to hear a voice from inside the car shouting for help.

They were able to cut the car open with tools and pull the woman, who had sustained no serious injuries, to safety.

Its simply impossible! How can one survive this scenerio as seen in the picture when its not a movie?

“I Am Alive & Will Only Die At The Appointed Time” – Dead Boko Haram Leader, Shekau Appears In New Video

Leader of the most dreaded and wanted Boko Haram Terrorists, Abubakar Shekau, today, Wednesday, said the Nigerian Military should bury itself in shame because he is alive.

Shekau also claimed responsibility of Tuesday, 17th September, 2013 attacks in Benisheik, Borno State where over 160 people were either shot dead or slaughtered and hundreds of houses burnt.

The then Joint Task Force (JTF) spokesman in Borno State, Lt Col Sagir Musa, had issued a statement on 19th August, 2013 to the effect that“Intelligence report available to the Joint Task Force (JTF) Operation Restore Order revealed that Abubakar Shekau, the most dreaded and wanted terrorists leader may have died.

He died of gunshots wounds received in an encounter with the JTF in one of their camps in Sambisa Forest on 30th June, 2013.

“Shekau was mortally wounded in the encounter and was sneaked into Amitchide-a border community in Cameroon for treatment from which he never recovered,” the JTF statement said.

But in the latest video, Shekau who appeared in military camouflage uniform, seated and surrounded by hooded insurgents said “Here I am, alive, hale and hearty.

Sagir Musa should bury himself in shame, President Jonathan (of Nigeria) should bury himself in shame, President Obama (of United States of America) should bury himself in shame, and President Francois Hollande (of France) should bury himself in shame, Queen Elizabeth (of England) should bury herself in shame,” he said.

According to Shekau, “They said I am dead, but here I am. The world should know that I am alive and will only die at the appointed time.Everybody should be judged according to the dictates of his conscience. What I am doing is written in the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith and I will not stop. I challenge all the clerics of the world to question my deeds. Those underrating my capacity should have a re-think. I will never allow democracy to thrive.

“The concept of Government of the people by the people for the people will never be possible and will never exist. Democracy shall be replaced only by the government of Allah, from Allah and for Allah,” he said.

He said the Nigerian military will never subdue his group. “Nigerian soldiers are late. After killing many of them in Monguno and Benisheik, we have snatched their armoured carriers and Hilux van and then hoisted Islamic flags on them. We now move freely with them,” he said.

"Heavily Armed Islamic Militants Plan On Attacking Nigerian Military"

Strong indications have emerged that Islamic militants from some North African countries are coordinating attacks against the Nigerian military in the North Eastern part of the country.

A military source told one of our correspondents in Abuja that security operatives came to this conclusion when they discovered that many Arabs of Shuwa descent and fair-skinned people from Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia, Algeria and Niger, were among those whose bodies were found after some of the recent encounters with the militants.

The source said, “We strongly believe that the foreign militants under the Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb are coordinating the attacks against our men in the troubled North Eastern states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa.

“We have seen fair-skinned corpses and those of Arabs of Shuwa descent. We believe they are from countries like Algeria, Mauritania, Niger, Sudan and Somalia. It is very possible they are helping the Nigerian insurgents like those in Boko Haram in coordinating attacks against our men.”

It was learnt that there were strong feelings in the military that the militants who still have several bases in the thick forests of the northern part of Borno State, were among those chased out of Mali by the French and the West African troops led by Nigeria.

The militants are said be be armed with Rocket Propelled Grenades and General Purpose Machine Guns which are more sophisticated than the AK 47 used by the Nigerian troops.

Another security source told our correspondent that the RPG released to the Nigerian troops were obsolete compared to those being wielded by the militants from North Africa and their Boko Haram allies.

Findings indicated that the level of preparedness and calibre of arms in possession of the militants were responsible for ‘the high casualty on the Nigerian side.’

The Director of Army Public Relations, Brig. Gen Ibrahim Attahiru, had said during a press conference a week ago that the Army lost 15 soldiers with nine others missing during the attack by militants in the Kasiya Forest in Ngazai Local Government Area of Borno State.

Last Sunday and Monday morning, the insurgents launched another rounds of attacks on the Nigerian troops, necessitating the deployment of more fighter jets in the troubled states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa.

It was learnt that the fighter jets immediately commenced monitoring the activities of the insurgents in the three states which are under emergency rule.

The Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Alex Badeh, is said to be personally supervising the use of fighter jets and the Air Force personnel supporting the Army in the fight against the insurgents.

It was also gathered that a major offensive planned by the Army with aerial back up from the Air Force resulted in the killing of a good number of the insurgents on Monday night.

Our source couldn’t give the casualty figure in the latest attack.

The Director of Air Information, Air Commodore Yusuf Anas, confirmed the deployment of Alpha jets as well as M1, 35 and M1,34 helicopters in the operational areas.

Anas also confirmed that Badeh was in Maiduguri to supervise the latest deployment and the personnel of the Air Force assisting the the Army in the campaign against terrorism.

He said, “It is true; we have deployed M1, 35 and M1,34 helicopters and Alpha jet aircraft. They are there to support the Nigerian Army in curtailing the security situation in the North-East.

“I cannot give you the exact number but the figure is adequate to perform the role for which they were deployed. I know that in the past nine months, we have always had NAF helicopters there; they are engaged in patrol purposes, medical services, medical evacuation and also offensive roles; that is, they are also used for attacks.

“In addition to that, the Air Force has deployed Alpha jets aircraft to participate in the operation. I can also confirm that the Chief of Air staff was in Maiduguri to monitor the deployment and supervise our personnel who are involved in the operation.”

TROUBLE:66Yrs Man’s joystick FALLS OFF After He Overdoses On Viagra To Impress GF

Man’s joystick Gets Amputated After He Overdoses On Viagra To Impress His Girlfriend
A 66-year-old man from southern Colombia had to have his joystick amputated after he overdosed on Viagra to impress his girlfriend.

The man, whose name has not been released, intentionally overdosed on the erectile dysfunction medicine.
As a result, he suffered an erection for several days before being forced to seek medical advice.

According to news website Colombia Reports, the joystick-enhancing drug caused the man, who is said to be a farmer and a former politician, to develop signs of gangrene.
When he sought medical help, doctors informed the patient his only option was amputation so the inflammation and gangrene would stop spreading to other parts of his body.
According to his doctor, the old man showed bruising on the testicles and joystick, he was treated and is recovering well.

In yet another incident, earlier this week, a Yemeni man died of a Viagra overdose as he prepared to sleep with his bride on their first day as a married couple.

The 25-year-old Yemeni man dosed up on five Viagra pills at one time which killed him, according to Yemini Arabic Language daily newspapwer Okaz Al Youm.

Once the wedding hall was cleared out, the unnamed man left to join his wife at their new home.
When he arrived, he fainted and collapsed and died after being taken to hospital despite doctors’ attempts to revive him.

- See more at:

D’Banj, Iyanya Buscemi Sneakers which cost the sum of N120,000+ in retail store.

Just like D’Banj, Iyanya is also trendy when it comes to the Sneakers. The Kukere master rocked the White Buscemi Sneakers which cost the sum of N120,000+ in retail store.

Iyanya rocked his own pair od sneakers to the MTN Project Fame West Africa where he performed Sexy Mama.

D’banj rocked his to the Soundcity Nokia Lumia party which took place weeks ago

Who do you think pulled it off better? Iyanya or D’Banj? Share your thoughts